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Endodontic Microsurgery Academy

Soft Tissue Management and Suturing Techniques in Endodontic Microsurgery

Starts 19 Nov
1,790 euros
Hotel Gent Van der Valk

Available spots

Service Description

TWO DAY COURSE - ENGLISH - 80 AE Breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks, afterwork after the first day and afterdrink after the second day included. Effective management of soft tissues is a crucial component in microsurgical procedures, significantly influencing clinical outcomes, healing process and patient’s recovery. Choosing the right flap design, proper soft tissues manipulation and application of micro-suturing techniques can result in uneventful soft tissue healing. Through a combination of theoretical and hands-on training, participants will achieve a better understanding of soft tissue biology and anatomy, modern techniques in flap designs, and the latest advancements in suturing materials and techniques.

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