With the deep-rooted conventional dentistry that was taught (and still is taught) to most of us dentists, it is not easy to make the jump to the more complex (biomimetic) minimal invasive and adhesive dentistry. The implementation of those new techniques will change your practice forever with being able to provide the best available care for your patients. Maximally maintaining vital tooth structure (dentin, DEJ & enamel), no endodontics for retention, efficiant treatment of cracks/decay and restoring teeth as close to nature as possible.
The main goal of the Indirect posterior bootcamp is for participants to receive the necessary training in (Biomimetic) minimal invasive & Advanced Adhesive techniques so they can immediately start implementing those techniques into their practice. In this course we will start with the posterior indirect restorations.
To accomplish that goal, we provide 50 % science based fundamental principles of biomimetic and adhesive dentistry with straight forward protocols and 50% supervised hands-on training.
Current topics include protocols for partial coverage ceramics such as Overlay & Onlay Design, isolation, Immediate Dentin Sealing, deep margin elevation and Advanced Adhesive Ceramic cementation with demos and case reviews.